Tag: Food

  • Tasty Nanaimo

    Tasty Nanaimo

    Over the course of our trip, whenever anyone asks us about Canadian food, we are always at a bit of a loss on what really constitutes Canadian food? Sushi pizza? We are a country of immigrants that eat fusion so often we have no idea where it actually came from! So at the beginning of…

    Read more: Tasty Nanaimo
  • The Yummiest Canadian Dessert

    The Yummiest Canadian Dessert

    There are not many “Canadian” foods, but we managed to make some Canadian desserts while here in Victoria and they sure are delicious! My favourite Canadian dessert would have to be Butter Tarts! Here is how you can make this AWESOME dessert: Ingredients: 12 pastry cups or your own home made pastry 1/4 cup of butter…

    Read more: The Yummiest Canadian Dessert
  • A Great Canadian Dessert Eh!

    A Great Canadian Dessert Eh!

    During our year long trip around the world, we have bee staying with many people and we wanted to be able to make something Canadian for them. We got this Nanaimo bar recipe from one of our neighbours back home, Gail, and have been making the bars our whole trip. They have been enjoyed by…

    Read more: A Great Canadian Dessert Eh!
  • A Slice of Heaven

    A Slice of Heaven

    While in Melbourne, we had a chance to have a cooking class with chef extraordinaire Teta Maria Damchev. We baked Apple Slice which is a Hungarian dish, but since Melbourne is a cosmopolitan city, we are counting this as one of our Australian recipes. 🙂 Apple/apricot filling 5-6 sliced apricots 5-6 Granny Smith apples, grated…

    Read more: A Slice of Heaven
  • The Best Aussie Dessert

    The Best Aussie Dessert

    Knock, knock Who’s there? Pavlova for, Pavlova for who? Pavlova for me! Yum yum! We were so happy to add pavlova to our global fieldtrip recipe book from Australia! (Especially me) We made it twice; once with Teta Mary and Alycia Siomos at their house, and a second one at Teta Maria Damchev’s house. Here’s…

    Read more: The Best Aussie Dessert