Tag: emperor

  • Warriors Frozen in Time

    Warriors Frozen in Time

    Imagine being frozen in time for over 2200 years…buried with your emperor, unable to move, and not seeing the light of day until the middle of the disco era! This was the fate of the Terracotta Warriors!  This world-famous UNESCO World Heritage Site in Xi’an was the next stop in our China travels! Where did they…

    Read more: Warriors Frozen in Time
  • The Hunger Games, Roman Style

    The Hunger Games, Roman Style

    The crowd cheers. Your opponent stands in a ready position. The emperor watches. The sword glistens in your hand. You charge your opponent, swinging your sword and as metal hits metal he blocks your attack. All you do is think ‘I’ll be free soon.’ This is what I imagine would happen during a Gladiator fight in the…

    Read more: The Hunger Games, Roman Style