Tag: Cambodia

  • What’s a Wat?

    What’s a Wat?

    Imagine a place frozen in time, with mysterious faces looking out at you from the rock. Sound creepy? What if you could find the most divine sculptures and bas relief carvings right out in the open, not behind glass, and could practically reach out and touch any one of them (though you should not!). This…

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  • A Night at the Cambodian Circus!

    A Night at the Cambodian Circus!

    Cambodia is famous for their circus performers. It’s not the usual circus with animals and clowns – but rather more like Cirque de Soleil with acrobats and amazing use of the body. As Oliver mentioned in his Siem Reap post, this country is still recovering and rebuilding from its tragic past. Many of its children lived…

    Read more: A Night at the Cambodian Circus!
  • Asia’s Beautiful Flower

    Asia’s Beautiful Flower

    The lotus is an aquatic perennial that can be found throughout Asia. The seeds of the flower can last a long time – in some cases over 1000 years! We have seen this exquisite flower throughout our Asian explorations . The beautiful bloom is said to represent elegance, beauty, perfection, purity and grace and is…

    Read more: Asia’s Beautiful Flower
  • Fear Factor Cambodian Style!

    Fear Factor Cambodian Style!

    What creeps, crawls and tastes delicious? Bugs of course! During the Cambodian civil war, there were food shortages and people were starving to death. Many were forced to look for alternative food sources like bugs in order to survive. The bugs were often eaten alive, because lighting a fire could reveal one’s location to the enemy.…

    Read more: Fear Factor Cambodian Style!
  • A is for Apsara

    A is for Apsara

    I love dancing, learning new dances and trying new food. These are just a couple of reasons why I liked going to an Apsara dance performance and dinner. Apsara dancing is a traditional Cambodian style of dance.  When apsara dancers are on the stage, they usually have a slight smile with their mouths closed.  Some…

    Read more: A is for Apsara