Category: RTW Travel

  • Beijing Circus!

    Beijing Circus!

    No visit to China is complete without visiting a Circus! China is famous for it’s acrobats and we couldn’t resist the opportunity to see a great performance while in Beijing. The show is performed a number of times throughout the day so we decided to meet the family from France and enjoy the show together…

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  • It’s Happening at the Hutongs!

    It’s Happening at the Hutongs!

    Beijing is a huge city with over 20 million people. As one wanders through it, there are numerous narrow streets and alleyways all over the place. Many of them lead up to some very large doors that open up into traditional courtyard communities. In the past, a family would build their home and then join…

    Read more: It’s Happening at the Hutongs!
  • China’s Religions

    China’s Religions

    Throughout our trip, I have learned a lot about Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Hinduism, and the last religion I am going to focus on is Taoism.  We saw examples of this religion at the Temple of Heaven in Beijing.  Additionally, we saw evidence of Buddhism at the Lama Temple, also in Beijing. Taoism…

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  • Escape From the City

    Escape From the City

    We think Beijing is an amazing big city with lots to see and do…however, we are Canadians who love their nature.  We needed a fix.  But where to go in a city of 20 million people?  When one thinks of Beijing–parks are not the first thing to come to mind. We were pleasantly surprised at…

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  • Imperial Beijing

    Imperial Beijing

    After a short flight from Guangzhou, we found ourselves essentially teleported to China’s capital, Beijing. With our limited exposure to China in the Western media, here’s what I expected to see when we arrived in China: Yes, bicycles! Who doesn’t think of bicycles when thinking of China? Our visit to China, and particularly Beijing, certainly changed…

    Read more: Imperial Beijing