Amazing Cambodian Dishes!


In our fantastic Cambodian cooking class, we had the chance to make some really tasty meals! My favourite dishes usually have noodles, so I chose to make fried noodles with beef so I know how to make it. I also love desserts, so we learned how to make a yummy dessert with a pumpkin! I really enjoyed learning how to make these dishes and can’t wait to make them at home.

Zoe and I making the dishes
Zoe and I making the dishes

Fried noodles


1/2 of a carrot
1/2 of an onion
50g of cabbage
50g of bok choy
1 spring onion
200g beef sliced thinly

1 tbsp. olive oil
1/2 tbsp. garlic finely chopped
2 tbsp. oyster sauce
1/2 tsp. chicken stock powder
1/2 tsp. black pepper

The ingredients
The ingredients

1. Peel and slice the carrot, cut up the onion, cabbage and bok choy, and chop the spring onion into medium sized pieces.

The cut up veggies
The cut up veggies

2. Soak the noodles in water to soften them.

3. Put the oil and garlic into a pan on the stove and stir-fry the vegetables.

4. Add the oyster sauce, chicken powder, and pepper, and continue to stir.

5. Add the meat and noodles and keep stirring.

Cooking the meat and veggies
Cooking the meat and veggies

6. Put it onto a plate, grab your chopsticks, and enjoy!



Pumpkin dessert


4 eggs
coconut milk
palm sugar
1 tsp. of salt
a pumpkin

All the ingredients
All the ingredients

1. Mix the first four ingredients together.

The ingredients mixed together
The ingredients mixed together

2. Cut a hole in the top of the pumpkin and scoop out the inside.

3. Pour the mixture into the pumpkin.

The mixture in the pumpkin
The mixture in the pumpkin

4. Steam it for an hour.

Preparing to steam the pumpkin
Preparing to steam the pumpkin

5. When it’s done, cut it like a cake, and eat! (Just don’t eat the pumpkin skin!)

The finished dessert!

Cut like a cake


For the original recipe, click here!


About the Author


6 responses to “Amazing Cambodian Dishes!”

  1. Hi Mikhaila,
    Love the recipes and the way you gave the step by step directions!!! I I really love the idea of the dessert in the pumpkin. When you are steaming the dessert, do you cover the pot for steaming , or do you leave the pot un covered? Do you serve this dessert hot, warm, or cold? Love, Baba

    1. Mikhaila Avatar

      Hi Baba,

      The pot does need to be covered when you are steaming the dessert, and it can be served at any temperature. I think it would be nice with ice cream. 🙂

  2. Herta Park Avatar
    Herta Park

    Beautiful! Love how you present the lesson as well as the final product!

    1. Mikhaila Avatar

      Hello Herta,

      The presentation was really nice, especially the carrot cut to look like a flower. These were really tasty meals and I enjoyed making them.

  3. Hi, Mikhaila, both recipes look very tasty, I wouldn’t mind trying them. Love your description and photos, everything looks and sounds so easy. The pumpkin dessert looks amazing. Thank you for a great posting. Lots of hugs

    1. PS, I love the carrot flowers you have to show me how to … when you get back 🙂